Archive for the ‘new short story’ Tag

Delays to completing Tracker 3

I apologise to all of you who are waiting for release of the third book in my “Tracker” series.

It is not an excuse, but I have been busy preparing my vegetable garden for winter crops, and spending far too long splitting wood ready for burning.

I did get most of the wood split and stacked but had to stop before I finished, due to blisters from swinging my axe and the wood splitter, which I use as a sledgehammer on the back of the axe to drive it further into the round before the wood finally decides to split for me. So, I have 3 rounds and a few smaller pieces with knots in them waiting for my hands to heal before I attack them, either with the axe or the chainsaw.

Because of my sore hands I have not felt like typing, so my planned release date for the Tracker Book Three has been moved back. However, my hands are healing, so I hope to spend more time writing in the next few weeks, in hopes of a June release. We will see.

I am also editing a short story I wrote some time back in my science fiction “Broken” series world.

Once the final edit has been completed, I hope to release it in June as an eBook only. I have a cover almost ready and will finalise it when the edit is completed, including adding text to show it is part of the “Broken” series. Here is a sneak peek.










Feel free to add suggestions to help improve the cover. 🙂